Preparing your materials
Policy on prior publication
When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved.
Preparing your article for submission
Submissions must be composed of the below elements in order to be considered for publication. These items should be included as separate, editable files.
- Title Page
- Anonymized manuscript, complete with abstract, keywords, and reference list. Please do not send a manuscript that includes potentially identifying author details.
- Appendices (optional)
- Tables (optional)
- Figures (optional)
Title Page must include the following information:
Title • The title of an article should be in bold, using headline-style capitalization, meaning upper case letters for each word in a title or subtitle, except for prepositions, conjunctions, and the articles the, a, and an. The title should be concise and informative, without abbreviations or acronyms except for the widely accepted ones (e. g. DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid, GIS – geographic information system). It should be written in sentence case except the situations when capitalization is required: scientific names, proper nouns, geographic locations, etc. The scientific name of species in the title must be italicised and the higher rank taxa should be mentioned in parentheses, separated by comma:
- g. “The occurrence of Drospohila melanogaster (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in…”
Author and Affiliation • The names of all authors must be included, as well as the name of their respective institution or organization and its location. Unaffiliated authors may identify themselves as independent researchers.
Corresponding Author • If there is more than one author, one must be designated as the corresponding author.
Discipline • This is a multi- and interdisciplinary journal. We request that authors list the discipline or disciplines that correspond to their manuscript, as it may aid in finding suitable reviewers.
Disclosure Statement • Articles must include a disclosure statement. These include any situation that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on an author’s presentation of their work. They may include, but are not limited to, financial, professional, contractual or personal relationships or situations. If an author wishes to state they have no disclosures to make, their statement should read “Disclosures. None.”
Financial Support • The details of the sources of financial support for all authors, including grant numbers, must be provided. Where no specific funding has been provided for research, please provide the following statement: “There are no funders to report for this submission.” The category will be deleted from the article upon typesetting.
Acknowledgements (Optional) • Authors can use this section to acknowledge and thank colleagues, institutions, workshop organizers, etc. that have helped with the research or writing process.
It is important that any type of funding information or financial support be listed under “Financial Support” rather than “Acknowledgements,” so that it can easily be tagged and captured separately.
Style Guide
English language editing services • Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This step is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the Editor and any reviewers.
Ethics and transparency policy requirements
Please review our ethical guidelines prior to submission.
Authorship and contributorship • All authors listed on any papers submitted to this journal must be in agreement that the authors listed would all be considered authors according to disciplinary norms, and that no authors who would reasonably be considered an author have been excluded. For further details on this journal’s authorship policy, please see this journal’s publishing ethics policies.
In-text citations • The author’s name and the year of publication are listed in parentheses at the end of the sentence: (Lastname Year) • If the author’s name is clearly mentioned in the text, it can be directly followed by the year of publication, in parentheses. If both the author name and year are clearly mentioned in the text, there is no need to include a parenthetical reference. • If you are citing a specific part of a document (e.g. a direct quotation, or a figure, chart or table), include the page number on which that information is found: (Lastname Year, p. number) • If a document has two authors, include both surnames separated by “and”: (Lastname1 and Lastname2 Year) • For works with three or more authors, include only the first author name, followed by “et al.”: (Lastname1 et al. Year) • If you are citing several sources at once, list them in chronological order, or alphabetically if two or more works were published in the same year, and separate each one with a semicolon: (Lastname Year; Lastname1 and Lastname2 Year; Lastname1 et al. Year). • If there are multiple works by the same author these are ordered by date, if the works are in the same year they are ordered alphabetically by the title and are allocated a letter (a,b,c etc) after the date. Use the same designators in the reference list: (Lastname Year a; Lastname Year b) • If you would like to cite a source that is cited in another document, it is always best to consult and then cite the original source. However, if you are unable to locate and verify the original source document, you must cite the secondary source while at the same time acknowledging the author of the original idea in both the in-text citation and end reference: (Lastmane1 Year, cited in Lastmane Year). • If the author of a document is an organization, corporation, government department, university, etc., use an abbreviated form of the organization in the in-text citation, by retaining the first letter of each word in the name, or some other recognized abbreviation: (WHO Year).
Reference list • The reference list comes at the end of your paper and includes full bibliographic information for all of the sources cited in the text. The references are listed in alphabetical order by first author last name. • Successive articles with one author will be ordered by the name of the author, then chronologically. • Successive articles with the same first author will be ordered by the name of the second author, then chronologically. • If the first and second author are the same, then the articles will be ordered by the third author, and so on. • The journal uses CSE style (
- Journal article
- Author AA. Year. Title of article. Full Journal Title. Volume (issue, if possible): page range (using n-dash).
- If available, a full DOI link should be provided at the end of the article.
- Example:
- Mallet J. 2005. Hybridization as an invasion of the genome. Trends in ecology & evolution. 20 (5): 229 –237.
- Peretó J, Català J. 2012. Darwinism and the Origin of Life. Evolution: Education and Outreach. 5 (3): 337–341.
- Conference proceedings
- Author AA, Author B, Author CC. Year. Title of paper. In: Editor A, Editor B, editors (if available). Title of volume (if available). Name of conference; Date of conference (Day Month Year); Location of conference, Country; Publisher. p. pages.
- Example:
- Miller MA, Pfeiffer W, Schwartz T. 2010. Creating the CIPRES Science Gateway for inference of large phylogenetic trees. 2010 Gateway Computing Environments Workshop (GCE); 14 November 2010; New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp 1–8.
- Online-only journal articles with article numbers instead of unique page ranges (all articles are paginated starting with 1 hence the page numbers are irrelevant)
- Author A, Author B. Year. Title of article. Full Journal Title. Volume (issue, if possible): article number.
- Example:
- Huemer P, Mutanen M, Sefc KM, Hebert PD. 2014. Testing DNA barcode performance in 1000 species of European Lepidoptera: Large geographic distances have small genetic impacts. PLoS One. 9 (12): e115774.
- Online resources (websites, databases, or other online resources)
- Author AA. 2002. The website or database title. Available from: (Accession date).
- Example:
- Hoskovec M, Jelinek P, Navratil D, Rejzek M. 2022. Cerambycidae. Longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) of the West Palaearctic region, neighboring territories, and countries of the former Soviet Union. Available from: (accessed 3 October 2022)
- Web Pages without author
- Example:
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2008. D-98-08: Entry Requirements for Wood Packaging Material into Canada (8thRevision). Available from: (accessed 21 November 2022)
- Book
- Author AA, Author B. Year. The book title. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher name.
- Example:
- Frog RA. 1998. Expert’s guide to artisanal fly cuisine. 2nd ed. Halifax (NS): Imaginary Publishing Inc.
- Book chapters
- Author(s) of the part. Year. Chapter title. In: Editor name(s), eds. Book title. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher. p. Pages of the chapter.
- Example:
- Banerjee A. 2007. Joint forest management in West Bengal. In: Springate-Baginski O, Blaikie P, eds. Forests, people and power: the political ecology of reform in South Asia. London (GB): Earthscan. p. 221-260.
Figures and Tables
All Figures should be cited consecutively within the main text of the article.
Figure citations should be in parentheses, with capital “F” and n-dash for ranges:
- Example: Fig 1, Figs 1–3, Fig 2a–e.
When successive figures or two consecutive parts of a composite figure are cited, a comma should be used:
- Example: Figs 1, 2 and Fig 1a, b.
Figure captions should include a label (using Arabic numerals and unabbreviated Figure, in bold − e. g. Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.); a brief, informative title (maximum 30 words) and, if needed, a detailed legend (with no more than 200 words). Figure captions should correspond with the file name uploaded when submitting the manuscript (e. g. Figure 1 corresponds to a figure file named Fig 1.tif).
All figures captions will be provided in order, after the References section.
Figures and illustrations should have the following image file formats:
- TIFF (at least 300 dpi resolution for photos; 600 dpi for line art, phylogenetic trees, cladograms, graphs, with LZW compression). Black and white or grayscale files must not be saved as RGCB or CMYK colour but as grayscale.
- JPEG (a resolution of 300-600 dpi, at the highest quality, for photos or images).
Figures will be uploaded separately as additional files, in one of the formats mentioned above.
Tables should be cited consecutively within the text. Each table should be placed right after the paragraph where it is first cited.
Table citations should be in parentheses, with capital “T” and n-dash for ranges:
- Example: Tab 1, Tabs 1–3
When successive tables are cited, a comma should be used:
- Example: Tabs 1, 2
Table captions are placed above the table, and it should include a label (using Arabic numerals and unabbreviated Table, in bold − e. g. Table 1, Table 2 etc.) and a short, informative title, in bold. If necessary, footnotes are placed below the table.
Tables must be inserted in the main manuscript file using the Insert Table function from Microsoft Word or another text editor. They must not be supplied as an image inserted in the text or as an image file.
If units of measurement are used they must be provided in the column or row headings and not in the table body. Column or row headings are written in sentence case.
The authors can find a template here.