This journal promotes multidisciplinary research, providing a critical space for theoretical and methodological innovation accross all fields and disciplines.
Aims and Scope
The journal is designed to be a platform of dissemination for original multidisciplinary research and research methods.
It publishes multidisciplinary research papers in various subject areas across exact sciences, sciences of life, environment and Earth, and the related social sciences and humanities.
It focuses on multidisciplinarity and high ethical standards in research and publication of the results.
Special issues focused on multidisciplinary topics under the coordination of one or more Guest Editors are especially encouraged and published. Potential Guest Editors should make an initial proposal to the editors including a title, thematic outline, and suggested contributors.
Criteria for publication and peer review process
The manuscript presents the results of original research, following quantitative or/and qualitative research methods. Occasionally, the journal published systematic reviews based on existing research data and literature.
The manuscript results have not been published elsewhere or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The manuscript follows the journal’s recommended structure, including analyses performed at high scientific standards and conclusions supported by significant data.
The article is presented in an intelligible fashion and is written in standard English.
The research meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity. It also adheres to appropriate reporting guidelines and community standards for data availability.
An initial quality check to identify potential issues related to scientific and policy requirements is made by the Editorial Board. Submissions may be returned to authors for changes or clarifications at this stage. Second, the Editorial Board checks the compliance of the manuscript to the journal profile and decides to send the manuscript to potential reviewers or reject the submitted manuscript.
Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers with international expertise in the research field of the manuscript.
The review results are communicated to the authors 2 months from the initial submission.